
Who this class is for? Here's a few examples:

  1. Private Instrument teachers (piano, voice, etc) that want to add ukulele classes to their studio.
  2. General music teachers in K-12 schools that want to add ukulele classes.

I recommend setting up ukulele classes with 3-6 students. Four seems to work really well with one teacher. In our studio we do 16 week classes and provide a ukulele in the tuition for the group that students get to take home with them. Within a couple of weeks students are playing along to some of their favorite songs. Our most recent class had a group of 7-12 year old beginners that were playing chords and singing the main song from Moana (How far I'll go) in their second lesson.

Other approaches lean more towards playing standard notation (like piano music) and teaching students to read music and play basic melodies. Teaching ukulele tablature (using numbers that designate what frets to play) is another popular option.

No matter which route you choose, this course will give you the basic techniques and some teaching tips to get started and have confidence that you are laying a solid foundation for your ukulele students to build and grow.

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